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Finnish-American Modern: 150 Years of Saarinen & Helsinki-Detroit-Columbus Axis

Daniel Nyblin / Museovirasto
Paneelissa tarkastellaan Eliel Saarisen perintöä Suomessa ja Yhdysvalloissa, hänen tulkintojaan Art Noveausta suomalaisen identiteetin ilmentäjänä sekä Eero Saarisen ja hänen oppilaidensa töitä. Englanninkielinen paneeli järjestetään New Yorkissa ja se on avoin kaikille ennakkoilmoittautuneille.
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of a Finnish-American architect Eliel Saarinen (1873–1950). He shaped Finland's national architectural identity through a number of landmark buildings. After his career in Finland, he moved to the United States in 1923 to become a leading figure in American architecture culture. Saarinen passed away in 1950, leaving behind a legacy continued by his son, Eero Saarinen.
In the panel, three notable Saarinen scholars reflect on Saarinen’s legacy in the most prominent locations in his lifetime: Helsinki, Finland, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and Columbus, Indiana. The talk explores connections between Eliel Saarinen and his interpretations of Art Nouveau to express Finnish identity outside Swedish and Russian imperialism, and eventually his son Eero Saarinen and his students' works in the later 20th century in the expression of American democracy.
The speakers of the panel are Kevin Adkisson, curator of the Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research, Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen, assistant dean and professor in the Yale School of Architecture and Matt Shaw, writer.
Read more through this link.