Tapahtuman tiedot
Aalto yliopiston arkkitehtuurin laitos, Arkkitehtuurimuseo
Architecture Speaks: Nicolas Coeckelberghs
Nicolas Coeckelberghs
Architecture Speaks -luentosarjan kymmenennellä kaudella luennoitsijoiksi on kutsuttu kuusi arkkitehtia tai arkkitehtiryhmää kertomaan suunnitteluprosesseistaan ja roolistaan arkkitehtuurin kentällä. Englanninkielinen luentosarja alkaa marraskuussa ja jatkuu tammikuun loppuun.
Belgian architect Nicolas Coeckelberghs strives for bioregional, low-tech, circular, beautiful and inclusive design. BC Architects work with both minds and hands, undertaking activities such as community organisation, material production, contracting, teaching and prototyping. They have designed buildings using rammed earth and earth blocks.
“Nicolas Coeckelberghs strives for bioregional, low-tech, circular, beautiful and inclusive design. I am especially interested to hear more about their buildings done in rammed earth and earth blocks”, says Jenni Reuter.
The online lecture will be held on Zoom Webinar platform. Please pre-register here for the lecture. The registration is open until the lecture is finished.
Participation link and instructions for participation are sent in a separate email after registration. A recording of the event will be available for a period of one week after the lecture on the museum website.
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