Takaisin tapahtumiin

Tapahtuman tiedot

Arthouse Cinema Niagara
Kehräsaari B-talo 33200, Tampere, Finland

An evening at the movies with street artists (K-18)




Fri 3.2.2023 at 19.30. Free Admission. Rate: K18 (18 age limit)

1. Hiedanranta Street Art Park, 2016-19: Clips from the past. (~10 min)

 1.a Spraycankontrol & Meeting Of Styles Finland - 2018 

 (~3 min) Author: Anthony Putkonen.

After movie from street art festival Spraycankontrol & Meeting Of Styles Finland 2018. 7 days long festival was held at Hiedanranta, Tampere Finland 9th - 15th of July 2018.

More than 60 painters from Finland, U.S.A., Russia, Uruguay, Hungary, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands and Estonia painted more than 1500 m2.

Painters at event: Rasko (RU), Savas (UY), Mokek (UY), Trama, Aman (SE), Kaos (SE), BKFF, Simian Switch (NL), Acton, Meter, Tapio, Tusby, Bohem, Maya, Niles, 11Linjaa, Lasol, Kiptoe (USA), Hende, Ung, Star, Shot, Deria, UniVersumi, Piksu, Tauko, Anette Lukjanova, Fat Heat (HU), Pallo, Shit, Asem (ES), Rodek (ES), Cazo Yours (DE), Charles Liquor, Fresh1 (EE), Octo and many more.

Musicians: Ameeba, J. Kvalia & Poppoppoo, Mc Nelson (UK), Pystyyn Kuolleet Hipit, Sapata, Stickylä Clique, Velvet Boyz, Salamari Soundsystem.

1.b Spraycankontrol & Meeting Of Styles Finland - 2017

(~3 min) Author: Anthony Putkonen.

After movie from street art festival Spraycankontrol & Meeting Of Styles Finland 2017. 7 days long festival was held at Hiedanranta, Tampere Finland 24th - 30th of July 2018.

60 artists from Finland, Indonesia, Portugal, Ireland, Hong-Kong, USA and more.

The event organized by urban art association Spraycankontrol Ry from Tampere, Finland. Check more at www.spraycankontrol.fi

Musicians: Laineen Kasperi & Liian iso trio, Pystyyn Kuolleet Hipit and many more.
Music by : Mac Garry.

2. Kera-kollektiivi: vaikka seinät sortuisivat (Kera-kollektiivi - even if the walls collapse)

(FIN-ENG SUB) (87 min) Author: J.H. Jylkä

Kera-kollektiivi toi kahden vuoden ajan taidetta ja kulttuuria entisen logistiikkakeskukseen Espoon Kerassa. Keväällä 2021, pahimpaan korona-aikaan, Concreate Urban Art Festival toi väriä rakennusten unohdetuille ja pölyisille pinnoille. Hallit saivat uuden elämän taiteen, tapahtumien ja ihmisten myötä. Käytön väliaikaisuus oli kuitenkin tiedossa. Osa halleista on jo purettu ja loput tullaan purkamaan lähivuosina. Silti - tai juuri siksi - siitä kuitenkin tuli hetkeksi jotain ainutlaatuista.

For two years, the Kera collective brought art and culture to the former logistics center in Espoo's Kera. In the spring of 2021, during the worst corona time, Concreate Urban Art Festival brought color to the forgotten and dusty surfaces of buildings. The halls got a new life with art, events and people. However, the temporary nature of the use was known. Some of the halls have already been demolished and the rest will be demolished in the next few years. Yet - or precisely because of that - it became something unique for a moment.

3. Q/A/ between artists and audience.

4. Panel discussion between artists.

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