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Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Jane Withers Studio
Huussi at Water Pressure – Designing for the Future

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The exhibition created by MK&G and Jane Withers Studio looks at the water crisis from a global perspective, displaying ideas and proposals that illuminate the potential for shaping a radically different future. The Huussi video works presented at the 2023 Biennale Architettura are a part of the exhibition.
Water – whether too much or too little, clean or unsafe – is one of the most pressing human preoccupations. Already, 40% of the world’s population is affected by water scarcity and, with human-induced climate change, this is getting much worse.
The exhibition showcased at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MK&G) displays around 75 innovative works from the fields of design, architecture, art, and science that open up new routes to overcoming the current situation. Conceived as an odyssey in five parts, the exhibition presents inspiring solutions to global issues such as water scarcity, flooding, pollution and disrupted hydrological cycles. A closer look is taken at the port city of Hamburg and the current and future challenges it faces, from flooding to water shortages.
The video pieces of Huussi – Imagining the future history of sanitation, featured in the Pavilion of Finland at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, are included in the exhibition. The main piece created for the exhibition commissioned by Archinfo, The future history mocumentary, looks at today's sanitary solutions from a future perspective. The video was scripted by Arja Renell and Antero Jokinen, directed by Pekka Hara and produced by Henkka Hämäläinen (Breakfast).
More information about the Water Pressure exhibition can be found on the MK&G website.