Event Info
Organized By
Fondazione Architetti Firenze
Urban Regeneration: a Tool to Promote Culture – Conference with JKMM Architects

Tuomas Uusheimo
On Friday 30th September 2022 from 5 to 7 pm, the Finnish architect Teemu Kurkela, Founding Partner of JKMM Architects, will illustrate, as a preview for Italy, the Dance House Helsinki (Tanssin talo), a new project dedicated to dance built as a machine-like extension into the old parts of the Cable Factory Cultural Centre in Helsinki downtown area.
The conference with JKMM Architects will take place at Palazzina Reale in Florence and online. The meeting is part of the "Glance Around" program and is the second of the two meetings of the cycle “Urban Regeneration: a Tool to Promote Culture” promoted by the Foundation of Architects of Florence and curated by the architect Arianna Callocchia. The event has been organised to foster discussion and create an opportunity for dialogue and professional exchange between the Italian and the international scenario on the theme of urban regeneration, environmental sustainability, technological innovation and architectural recovery.
After the welcome remarks by Silvia Ricceri, President of the Foundation of Architects of Florence and Pia Rantala-Engberg, Ambassador of Finland to Italy, the floor will be given to Teemu Kurkela, Architect SAFA, Founding Partner, JKMM Architects, that will illustrate the Dance House Helsinki (Tanssin talo). An impressive new building and renovated premises in the old parts of the Cable Factory Cultural Centre that, combining new and old, comprises over 7,000 square metres dedicated to dance. The meeting will be moderated by Valerio Barberis, Deputy Mayor on urban planning, environment and Circular Economy, Municipality of Prato.
The conference is organised in collaboration with ATL, with the Patronage of Embassy of Finland in Italy, Archinfo, Chamber of Architects of Florence and Italian Council of Architects, with the participation of Rockfon – Rockwool Italia S.p.A. and with the support of Operaprima srl, Vitra and UniFor.
The speech of Teemu Kurkela will be held in English. The conference is open to everyone.
More information in Italian and registration for the online event can be found through this link.