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Event Info


Organized By

Kone Foundation, European Research Council, Tampere University, Archinfo, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, City of Pori

Follow the live broadcast on YouTube

Re/Source – Value and Waste in the New Local

Illustration for an event

RE/SOURCE is a hybrid satellite event of the New European Bauhaus Festival taking place at the old shortwave radio station in Pori, Finland.

On this planet, our resources are limited. But what do we mean by a resource and what kind of capabilities do materials, places, buildings or even waste hold? How could we build new imaginaries and change our attitude towards sharing of resources to build a more sustainable and resource efficient future?

The interdisciplinary event that consists of talks, a sound art performance and a panel discussion takes place at a unique cultural heritage site, formerly used to broadcast programming around the globe. Today the modernist building and its surroundings are seeking new models of use and care, while continuing to operate as a vital local cultural venue and art space.

Packing together viewpoints in art and scholarship, RE/SOURCE charts a potential era of New Local, with strategies and resources tied to our existing material and societal realities – and the new forms of agencies found therein. The event unites interests, resources and value flows from several research and development processes and practices together in an experimental setting.

The satellite event will be broadcasted live on YouTube, on the venue’s website and the channels of the New European Bauhaus Festival.

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