Event Info
Organized By
RaivioBumann, Parkly, Open House Helsinki
Mission Neighbourhood book launch

Open House Helsinki
Mission Neighbourhood – (Re)forming Communities will be launched in Finland as part of the Open House Helsinki programme.
Neighbourhoods are a fundamental framework for our everyday lives and local communities. Yet, the intricate mix of physical and social relations that together makes up a neighbourhood is rarely given the attention it deserves in policy making or urban planning. With more than 30 contributions from acclaimed architects, academics, activists, developers and public servants from the Nordics and beyond, Mission Neighbourhood – (Re)forming Communities offers new insight into how to form more sustainable, generous and joyful neighbourhoods.
The book explores some of the urgent issues of our time – from social infrastructure, nature, and biodiversity, to mobility and urban governance – in a neighbourhood perspective. Intent on inspiring action, the book offers a rich variety of best practice projects, perspectives and hands-on advice.
This event marks the official launch of the Mission Neighbourhood book in Finland. During the event, Christian Pagh, Director and Chief Curator of the Oslo Architecture Triennale and co-editor of the book, will introduce the book’s background, concept and key insights. Additionally, we will hear commentary from Hanna Harris, Chief Design Officer of the City of Helsinki, who has contributed to the book. A brief introduction will also be given by Päivi Raivio, designer and co-founder of Parkly, which is one of the tools selected in the Neighbourhood Index by the Oslo Architecture Triennale.
The event features introductions and talks by Christian Pagh, Hanna Harris and Päivi Raivio. Pre-registration is mandatory by 10 May via email: paivi@raiviobumann.com
The book launch is organised as part of the Open House Helsinki programme running from 16 to 19 May. More information about the event can be found here.