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Event Info

Helsingin messukeskus
Messuaukio 1, Helsinki

Organized By


Habitare 2024

Illustration for an event.

Habitare offers inspiration and experiences for five days. The theme of Habitare 2024, Layers, treasures the layered and lived-in feel of homes, spaces and objects.

Every year, Habitare brings exhibitions, interesting lectures, panel discussions and interviews and more than 80 speakers to Messukeskus.

The theme of Layers is based on the idea of how homes and spaces are formed. The best moods are created from layers: different people, tastes, decades, styles and typologies.

The Habitare 2024 theme explores these layers. Through a dialogue between the various layers, we look for the ingredients and constituents of this moment called now. We seek all the things that we do not perceive but that still exist. We examine the way in which one generation does not replace the previous one, but how the past lives alongside the present; how individuality is formed by people’s own personal choices; and what happens when different layers are allowed to coexist.

See the whole programme through this link.

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