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Event Info


Organized By

Finnish Design Info, Archinfo, Fashion Finland

Design in the (Non)Material World


What if we could design a more inspiring tomorrow with radically less resources? What needs to change in order for us to drastically reduce consumption in times of climate crisis? What does this mean for the future of architecture, fashion and design? Are they part of the problem – or the solution?

We will dive into the subject in our webinar on December 9 at 9–10.30 AM streamed live from the "What if?" exhibition at the Design Museum.

Opening remarks will be given by Katja Lindroos, project manager of Finnish Design Info.

Oskar Korkman, Co-Founder of Alice Labs Partners, researcher of Stuff in Flux 2 study mapping the changing attitudes of consumers will give a presentation.

We will also hear a panel discussion with some of the most inspiring researchers and lecturers from the field of architecture, fashion and design – such as İdil Gaziulusoy from Aalto University and Susanna Björklund from LAB University of Applied Sciences.

The event is open to all. The link to the stream will be shared later on this page but you can also register for the event and get the link via email – registration here.

The webinar is a part of a series of events organised together with Archinfo, Finnish Design Info and Fashion Finland, aiming to highlight the similarities and synergies between architecture, fashion and design.

Read more about the webinar on Finnish Design Info's website through this link.

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