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Vuosali, Cultural Centre Vuosaari House Vuotalo
Mosaiikkitori 2, Helsinki

Organized By

Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum

A&DO Final Seminar

A woman holding a baby in her arms. No face visible

Participant, Experiencer, Learner – Redefining Roles in Audience Engagement: Final Seminar of A&DO – Learning Centre for Architecture and Design Project is arranged in Vuotalo on 1.11.2023. The seminar will take a broad look at how architecture and design can be approached in a creatively critical way. The event will include workshops where participants can take an active role themselves. The partly English language event is free of charge. There is a pre-registration for the event.

The nationwide A&DO – Learning Centre for Architecture and Design by the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum has traveled across Finland. The final stop of the project is in Vuosaari, where the inspiring A&DO Lab, an exhibition touring within two side-opening shipping containers, was on display in August–September 2023. The three-year project culminates in a seminar that brings together learning and audience engagement professionals to discuss topical questions in the field.

The first part of the seminar delves into co-design themes. In the morning, we will hear about the co-development of the area of Vuosaari, the largest district in Helsinki, and contemplate what can be achieved when expertise is shared, based on the example of the A&DO project.

Providing an international perspective on the topic, Joanna Mawdsley, Head of Learning at V&A Dundee, and Keri Ryan, Curator of Learning and Engagement at M+ Hong Kong, will share insights on their audience engagement and learning strategies. Both V&A Dundee and M+ have successfully built and supported communities.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation is promoting the use of new and innovative practices in museums with the Museum Vision Project, the purpose of which is to increase the number of museum visitors and to enhance visitor experience. The project aims to revitalize museums to be more interesting, appealing, and effective in conveying information. At the end of the seminar, the success of these goals will be evaluated. The joint A&DO – Learning Centre for Architecture and Design initiative of the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum Helsinki, along with Leikki – the Museum of Play, provides an inspiring examples of the methods that have been developed with the support of the Museum Vision grant.

Read more here.

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