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Archinfo, Safa, ATL

3A Talks: AD Museum and a participatory architectural competition

Photo of a port

October's 3A Talks will explore the format and possibilities for the design competition for Finland's new architecture and design museum.

Designers are now using a variety of participatory and collaborative design methods. Is it possible to use these methods and models in architectural competitions?

Kasmir Jolma, Chairman of the SAFA Competition Committee, architect Elina Koivisto, Professor Pirjo Sanaksenaho and architect Tuomas Silvennoinen discuss the possibilities of participation and co-design in the future competition. The discussion will be moderated by Kaarina Gould, Project Director of the museum project and CEO of the Finnish Architecture and Design Museum Foundation.

The discussion will be preceded by an introduction by David van der Leer, cultural strategist and head of the New York-based agency of innovators and strategists DVDL. In his presentation, van der Leer will highlight interesting competition models from around the world. DVDL has a long experience of working with museums, cultural institutions and architectural projects.

The presentation will be held in English, the discussion will be in Finnish. Link to the event. 

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