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Finnish Architects in the Spotlight: Livady

A group of people by the sea.


In June 2021, we direct the spotlight onto an architectural practice that has done persevering work with traditional and sustainable building methods. The series highlights the makers behind Finnish architecture.

In May 2021, the Finnish Association of Architects SAFA awarded their annual prize for sustainable development to Livady Architects. The award ceremony was followed by numerous congratulations and messages stating that the prize indeed went to the correct address.

Livady’s projects vary from extensive building history and cultural environment reports and the restoration planning of demanding listed buildings to new construction. The firm specialises in particular in traditional roof structures and natural ventilation.

In the #FinArchSpotlight Instagram series, the practices – selected on the basis of topicality – are asked to describe the values that guide their work and the key elements of their architecture through images and short texts. The three series of images presented by Livady talk about research, understanding and practice.

Research leads to understanding, which leads to successful planning

Researching the history of the built environment and architecture is an elementary part of Livady’s work: “In repair projects, we first determine the state of a building by analysing the condition and mechanical properties of its structural elements. We then take stock of the building’s immediate needs, further considering if the building’s properties could be made to suit the client’s wishes.”

According to Livady, research leads to understanding, which leads to successful planning: “We are committed to an open transfer of knowledge. Livady’s findings are shared by holding lectures, participating in the field’s social discourse and actively publishing new information. Most of our publications can be downloaded from our website.”

Livady is committed to healthy, environmentally friendly and sustainable construction: “These principles guide all of our work. A new building is always a future repair project; hence every structure and building element, such as doors and windows, is designed to be repairable.”

Set of three photos: left a smoke sauna, centre people in white overalls studying roof structures, right a red ship in the sea
Left: A smoke sauna in the Inkoo archipelago, designed by Livady. Centre: Investigating the roof structures of C. L. Engel's Senate Palace. Right: An example of Livady's diverse skills, the history report and restoration planning of a museum ship, lightship Kemi. photos: Livady and (right) Martti Heikkinen (1972), Collections of the Maritime Museum / Finnish Heritage Agency

In 2016, Livady was awarded Finland’s State Prize for Architecture. The jury described their work to be outside the mainstream, ethical and respectful of history. The quality of their work was considered outstanding, and their approach multisectoral and significantly courageous.

See Livady’s images in the series on Archinfo Finland’s Instagram account through this link.
Find out more about Livady’s work on their website through this link.