Tallinn Architecture Bienniale Vision Competition Open Call

The sixth edition of Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB 2022), announces the Open Call for its Vision Competition. The call is open until 28th February.
TAB 2022, entitled “Edible; Or, The Architecture of Metabolism”, curated by Lydia Kallipoliti and Areti Markopoulou in collaboration with Co-Curator Ivan Sergejev, will take place from September 7th–October 31st, 2022. The event transfers the metabolism and experiential aptitudes of the natural world to the domain of cities and buildings. TAB2022’s Vision Competition “Circular Block — Reinventing the Mikrorayon” explores architecture’s expressive capacity to convert waste to energy or matter via circular operations from the micro to the macro scale.
This year’s competition focuses on reimagining Tallinn’s Lasnamäe area, the largest housing district of the city, and its semi-sufficient urban unit, the so-called Mikrorayon. In the competition, the main task is to develop visions for new productive and social cohesive urban models that question the traditional linear and discrete consumption and production systems in cities, in Lasnamäe and beyond.
The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2022 and winners will be selected by May 2022 by an international jury comprising of Winy Maas (MVRDV, The Netherlands), Kaidi Põldoja (Spatial Planning Competence Centre of the Strategic Management Office of the City of Tallinn, Estonia), Benedetta Tagliabue (Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, Spain), Toomas Tammis (Arhitektuuri Agentuur and Allianss Arhitektid OÜ, Estonia), and Veronika Valk-Siska (Ministry of Culture of Estonia, Estonia).
All winning and selected proposals will be exhibited at TAB 2022.
More information through this link (opens in new window).