Summer fun in, under and around the Säie Pavilion in Helsinki
This summer, the annual special project of Aalto University Wood Program is called Säie. The construction on the Museum of Finnish Architecture backyard experiments with wooden lattice structures and complex 3D elements. Most essentially, it will host plenty of weekly programme from yoga to concerts and workshops. The Säie Pavilion and the summer exhibition Down the Stairs to a Shady Grove – Dialogues between Finnish Garden Art an Architecture is on display at the museum until 23rd August, 2015.The detailed event calendar at the Säie Pavilion can be found at the MFA web pages at
For more information about the Säie Pavilion:[caption id="attachment_2310" align="aligncenter" width="618"] The urban garden around the Säie Pavilion is designed by architect Hannele Grönlund. Photo: Anni Vartola.[/caption][caption id="attachment_2311" align="aligncenter" width="618"] The Säie Pavilion is designed and constructed by Claire Bouthegourd, Elisabeth Kofler, Giulia Archimede, Hiroko Mori, James Stanier, Javier Mera, Kento Manabe, Laura Zubillaga, Ninni Westerholm and Simen Bie Malde. Instructors: Pekka Heikkinen, Philip Tidwell and Hannu Hirsi. Structural design: Joni Helminen. Photo: Anni Vartola.[/caption]