Säynätsalo Town Hall offers accomodation for visitors at the building designed by Alvar Aalto

Guest room Elissa. photo: Säynätsalo Town Hall
The visitors at Säynätsalo Town Hall can now stay overnight at the guest rooms and apartments located in the building's residential wing.
Säynätsalo Town Hall, an Alvar Aalto sight located near to Jyväskylä Finland, invites the public to visit its premises during the summer season from June to August 2023. During the off-season the building is open to the public only on Saturdays. Overnight visitors are welcome to stay all year round.
The building has two original guest rooms named after Alvar and Elissa Aalto and three other apartments that visitors can rent and extend their stay. The apartments and guest rooms are located in a quiet residential wing and the Säynätsalo's peaceful archipelago environment offers residents plenty to do.
To get the full experience the town hall offers guided tours this summer every day at 12:30 (English) and 15:30 (Finnish). The guided tours are included in the entrance fee. It is also possible to visit the building on your own.
For overnight guests the town hall also offers for an additional price a tour in Muuratsalo experimental house, also designed by Alvar Aalto, which is open during the summer season from June to September.
Plan your stay and read more about visiting the Säynätsalo Town Hall through this link.