Re-modelled gem of Finnish Art Nouveau at the Architecture on Screen film festival in New York
The Finnish Pavilion at the Universal Exposition in Paris, 1900, will resurrect itself on film as the Center for Architecture in New York will screen an 8-minute virtual reconstruction and documentary of the pavilion at the sixth annual Architecture on Screen festival on Friday, 27th February, 2015. The legendary pavilion was designed by the key team of Finnish Art Nouveau: Herman Gesellius, Armas Lindgren and Eliel Saarinen. The Pavilion's lavish interiors and objects celebrated the newly found idea of Finnishness and the concept of total art exemplified in particular in the works of Akseli Gallén-Kallela for the pavilion.The film has been produced at the Aalto University, School of Arts and Design, Department of Media by a multi-disciplinary team directed by professor Lily Diáz-Kommonen. The film has been previously been publicly on display as part of several events around the world, and it was also an official selection in the 32nd edition of Festival International du Film sur L'Art in Montreal in 2013. According to professor Diáz-Kommonen, the reception so far has been phenomenal.For more information, please visit the Pavilion project web pages at The site also hosts an earlier video version of the documentary.The virtual pavilion is also on display at the National Archives in Helsinki between 3 December, 2014, and 18 June, 2015, as part of their current exhibition "Pro Finlandia. Finland's road to independence. Perspective: France and Italy".