Rasmus Wærn in Architecture Speaks on Wednesday 27th January, 2016
The intriguing Architecture Speaks lecture series composed by the newly appointed professor of architectural principles and theory Jenni Reuter at the Aalto University Department of Architecture will open with two lectures by Rasmus Wærn on Wednesday 27th January, 2016.The morning lecture at 10:00 at the Aalto Department of Architecture (Miestentie 3, Otaniemi, Espoo) questions: Is architecture necessary? And what is architecture? Rasmus Wærn, a Swedish architect and writer, will draw some general conclusions from his international bestseller "What is Architecture? and 100 Other Questions" (Laurence King Publishing, 2015), co-written with Gert Wingårdh. The lecture will explore the most crucial question in this book: Why do we have architecture at all?The evening lecture will take place at the Museum of Finnish Architecture (Kasarmikatu 24, Helsinki) at 18:00. Wærn, known to readers of the Finnish Architectural Review and for his contribution in the recent Finnish architecture biennial review of the Museum of Architecture, has recently studied conflicts about buildings. One of the chapters in his book "Bygge och bråk", which was published by the Swedish publisher Atlantis in 2015, concerns the Töölönlahti area in Helsinki, also known as the graveyard of urban planning in Finland. With planning comes the feuds. But why do some of these conflicts enhance the project while others just tear them down?The lectures are open and free for all and will be held in English. The lecture events are jointly produced by Aalto University and the Museum of Finnish Architecture.