?Quo Vadis Classicism – Nils Erik Wickberg Lectures on 10 Oct. at Aalto University
October 10, 2018 from 10 am to 4 pm
Aalto University, Aalto Hall
Otakaari 1, Espoo
The 14th annual Nils Erik Wickberg honorary lectures aim to promote architectural research and provoke discussion on architecture and its education. This year, the lectures are focusing on Classicism.
Professor Nils Erik Wickberg (September 10, 1909 – July 11, 2002) is remembered not only as an architect, teacher and writer, but also as an influential architectural expert who believed in curiosity and all-round education. Throughout his long career, Wickberg was particularly interested in Neoclassicism which will also be the theme of the day.
An introduction to the theme is given by Professor Emerita Aino Niskanen. Professor Emeritus Vilhelm Helander will talk about C. L. Engel's architecture in the European context and Professor Emeritus Simo Paavilainen about Nordic Classicism. Mikael Helasvuo and Tuija Hakkila's performance Music from the Classical Period will lead the participants to the atmosphere. Paul Thynell from OPUS Archecture, Erkko Aarti from AOR Architects and Professor Johan Celsing from the Swedish Johan Celsing Arkitektkontor will be giving talks from the perspective of architectural practices.After announcing the annual Nils Erik Wickberg prize, the night will continue at the Finlandia Prize for Architecture award ceremony.The lectures will be held in English.
The event is free of charge and open to everyone.
The program is available on the SAFA website.Event on Facebook.