Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture invites applications for the following Professor positions:Tenure Track or Tenured Professor in Urban Design Practices
The position is to be filled at Assistant or Associate Professor level of the Aalto University tenure track system. The focus of the professorship is on creating new knowledge and developing tools and methods for the urban design practices. The societal impact and cooperation with cities and different urban areas is an important part of the position.The deadline for applications is Monday 4 December 2017.
For more information and instructions for applying, please see: http://www.aalto.fi/en/about/careers/jobs/view/1555/
For additional information please contact Professor Pekka Heikkinen, tel. + 358 50 377 3786. In recruitment process related questions, you may contact HR coordinator Kira Sipilä, tel. +358 50 578 4894.Professor of Practice in Health and Wellbeing ArchitectureThe professor position is full-time and filled for a three-year period, starting in spring 2018 or as agreed. The professor will focus on research into health and social care architecture and problems of the service systems for the aging society. The new professor will take part in developing the Sotera research team and organizing research projects at the Department of Architecture.The deadline for applications is Monday 20 November 2017.
For more information and instructions for applying, please see: http://www.aalto.fi/en/about/careers/jobs/view/1540/
For additional information please contact Professor Pirjo Sanaksenaho, tel. +358 5057 14900. In questions related to the recruitment process, you may contact HR coordinator Kira Sipilä, tel. +358 50 578 4894.