Open international ideas competition for the MH17 Memorial
The Matterbetter platform invites participants in the open, international ideas competition for the memorial and park that honour the victims of the Malaysia Airlines flight 17 (MH17) shot down in Ukraine on 17 July 2014. All 283 passangers and 15 crew members died in the tragedy. The site is located in the centre of Amsterdam on the Marine Establissement area on the Kattenburg island.The competition was announced 20 September 2014, deadline for questions is 15 October and for registration 10 December. The competition invitation is targeted on architects, students, engineers and designers, and especially on multidisciplinary teams.More information and the competition documents:
MH17 Memorial Competition: 10 October 2014:Municapality of Amsterdam removed from the news text.
The Matterbetter team has announced that Municapality of Amsterdam is not longer involved. Matterbetter is the only organizer of this competition.