Mart Kalm's intensive course on Estonian architecture at the Aalto University this spring
Professor Mart Kalm from Estonian Academy of Arts (Eesti Kunstiakadeemia), known for his excellent lectures, will give an intensive course on the 20th century developments of Estonian architecture. The special course titled "Architecture and (Multi)national Identity – The Case of Estonia" will take place at the Aalto University Department of Architecture in Otaniemi, Espoo. The lectures will be held in English and they will discuss, for example, the international influences and the Estonian interpretations of functionalism, stalinism and modernism. The course will conclude with a study trip to Tallinn on 15 May, 2015.The lectures will be held between 19 March and 17 April on Thursdays at 11:15–13 and Fridays at 9:15–11 in lecture room H103, address: Miestentie 3 A, Otaniemi, Espoo.