Kristo Vesikansa appointed Editor-in-Chief of Finnish Architectural Review

In the selection, the Board of the Finnish Association of Architects emphasised Vesikansa’s in-depth architectural knowledge and vision for the development of the magazine. Vesikansa is one of the curators of the New Standards exhibition produced by Archinfo Finland for 17th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice.
Kristo Vesikansa has been elected the new editor-in-chief of Finnish Architectural Review and will start in the position at the beginning of 2021. He is currently working as a university lecturer in history of architecture at Aalto University. In addition, he curated the upcoming exhibition of the Finnish Pavilion together with Laura Berger and Philip Tidwell for the Biennale Architettura in Venice. The exhibition, New Standards, explores post-war prefabricated wooden house export. Read more about the exhibition in our article here.
Vesikansa has worked in Otaniemi at Department of Architecture for 15 years, two and a half of which full-time. Before that, he worked, among other things, in restoration at Käpy and Simo Paavilainen Architects. In addition, he is conducting a dissertation on Reima Pietilä’s architecture. Vesikansa has also previous experience working with the Finnish Architectural Review, as he was an assistant editor of the magazine during 2017–2018.
Analytical and opinionated journalism
According to SAFA President Henna Helander, Vesikansa’s in-depth architectural knowledge and a strong view of the magazine were emphasised in the selection. The choice was influenced by Vesikansa’s ability to perceive at different levels how the Finnish Architectural Review could be developed, both in print and digital version, into an interesting architectural publication for both SAFA members and the general public.
According to Vesikansa, the media seems to be increasingly looking for simple juxtapositions when talking about architecture, urban planning and preservation of buildings. As an alternative, he would like to offer more analytical journalism.
“As the future editor-in-chief, I am fascinated by the responsible task of summarising the current ideals, thoughts and contradictions into interesting magazines,” says Vesikansa.
“In my opinion, the magazine’s task is to take a critical look at how Finland is currently planned, built, repaired and demolished, also outside the big cities. I am also not afraid to take a stand on current phenomena and projects. I hope the readers will feel free to contact me and suggest topics for articles”.
Vesikansa will familiarise himself with the position during this autumn. The current Editor-in-Chief Mika Savela continues in his post until the end of 2020.