Eight Finnish nominees for the EU Mies Award 2022

The Mies van der Rohe Foundation has announced part of the nominees for the 2022 EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture. In addition to the Helsinki metropolitan area, projects from Southern and Northern Ostrobothnia were nominated as candidates from Finland.
JKMM Architects received two nominations: K-Kampus in Helsinki and the renovation of Akola Manor in Ii. Other Finnish nominees are Villa Koivikko by OOPEAA, Kyrö Distillery Barrel Storage by Avanto Architects, Helsinki Biennial Pavilion by Verstas Architects and Jätkäsaari School by AOR Architects. The Finnish nominees also include two Finlandia Prize for Architecture laureates from 2019 and 2020, the Serpentine House refurbishment by Kati Salonen & Mona Schalin Architects and the Helsinki Olympic Stadium refurbishment by K2S Architects and NRT Architects.

The full listing of nominees can be found on the EU Mies Award’s website through this link. On the site, you can also search for nominees, finalists and winners of the Award since 1988.
In the 2022 edition of the prize, a total of 449 sites from 41 countries were nominated. For the first time, the nominees include projects from Tunisia, Moldova and Armenia. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the schedule of the biennial award has been extended, and more nominees for the 2022 EU Mies Award will be published in September.
In 2019, the most successful Finnish candidate for the prize was the Helsinki Central Library Oodi by ALA Architects, which was shortlisted among the forty finalists. To this day, a Finnish project has not yet brought off a victory.
Several projects designed by Finnish architectural offices are also running for ArchDaily’s Building of the Year 2021 Awards: some twenty Finnish projects will compete for the award in more than ten different categories. The public voting for nominees is open until February 10th, after which a shortlist of five projects per category will be published. Voting for the winners will be open until February 18th. The complete list of the Building of the Year 2021 nominees can be found through this link.
Photos are from EU Mies Award webpage eumiesaward.com/archive.