Gösta's Pavilion the Wooden Building of the Year 2014, Cafe Birgitta the Log House of the Year
The Finnish Timber Council Puuinfo has nominated Gösta's Pavilion, an extension for the Serlachius Art Museum in Mänttä, as the Wooden Building of the Year 2014. The building is designed by architectural studio MX_SI from Spain in collaboration with Architects Huttunen – Lipasti – Pakkanen. An open, international architectural competition was held in 2011 and the building was completed in 2014.The members of the 2014 jury members were Liisa Mäkijärvi, executive director of the Finnish Forest Foundation; professor Matti Rautiola, supervising agent at Building Information Foundation RTS; Aalto-yliopiston professor Pirjo Sanaksenaho, Aalto University; and Veijo Käyhty, editor-in-chief of of Rakennuslehti.[caption id="attachment_1641" align="aligncenter" width="618"] Serlachius Museum Gösta's Pavilion, Mänttä, Finland (2014). Architectural studio MC–SI. Photo: Mikko Auerniitty.[/caption]In addition to awarding the Wooden Building of the Year nomination, the annual Puupäivä [Wood Day] event held in Helsinki on 27 November 2014 commended Cafe Birgitta as the Log House of the Year 2014 awarded by the Finnish log house manufacturers' alliance Hirsitaloteollisuus ry. The summer cafe is located in Hernesaari, Helsinki and it is designed by architect SAFA Minna Lukander at Arkkitehtuuri- ja muotoilutoimisto Talli Oy / Talli Ltd. The jurors were professor Jouni Koiso-Kanttila from University of Oulu and professor Pekka Heikkinen from Aalto University.[caption id="attachment_1639" align="aligncenter" width="618"] Cafe Birgitta, Hernesaari, Helsinki (2013). Architect SAFA Minna Lukander, Arkkitehtuuri- ja muotoilutoimisto Talli Oy / Talli Ltd. Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo.[/caption]