Form/Design Center welcomes Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus

Rasmus Hjortshoj
As the Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus project is coming to an end, a closing seminar and an exhibition at Form/Design Centre in Malmö, Sweden, consider the possible steps towards the future in the spirit of Nordic NEB.
Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus is a two-year programme addressing the New European Bauhaus initiative in a Nordic context. Its primary aim is to promote carbon-neutral building and living through arts, design, architecture, and culture. This has significant relevance for the carbon neutrality targets in each country, as the built environment is responsible for around 30 per cent of all CO2 emissions.
The Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus project aims to facilitate and accelerate the sustainability transition process in the vast context of the built environment. The project brings together stakeholders from the fields of construction, culture, and environment to consider how the forward-looking spirit of the EU-led New European Bauhaus initiative could be interpreted in the Nordic context.
Final event of Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus
After a two-year journey and actions for a better future, the Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus project is organising a closing online event, an open-for-all gathering that marks the culmination of a collaborative initiative focused on sustainability and design across the Nordic region.
How do we want to live and build in the future and not strain the earth's balance and resources? What is the "good Nordic life" in the CO2-neutral society of the future?
How can we integrate a cultural dimension into our sustainability actions? How can architecture, design and art help in finding a way to build and live in a carbon neutral and inclusive manner?
The online seminar invites stakeholders across the Nordics to discuss how Nordic practices and lessons learnt can benefit a wider community of change-makers in the construction sector.
See the event's full programme here.
Nordic architecture on the road towards renewed practices
The Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus closing event is accompanied by an exhibition, Beyond Zero, held in Form/Design Center, Malmö, from 21 November to 12 January 2025.
The exhibition is curated by a Finnish group of architects, Iines Karkulahti, Anssi Lauttia, Charlotte Nyholm, and Meri Wiikinkoski (Noon Architects & Vapaa Collective). The exhibition design is by Johannes Nieminen and Tuomas Siitonen (Kombo Office).
Beyond Zero showcases seventeen projects from the Nordic countries and Estonia, each offering its own ambitious perspective on the transition towards sustainable practices in the building industry in the spirit of New European Bauhaus.
The exhibition includes projects by Arhitekt Must, Arkkitehtitoimisto Sipinen & BST-Arkkitehdit, Anna María Bogadóttir, Collaboratorio, Djernes & Bell Architecture, EFFEKT Architects, Helen & Hard, Kaminsky Arkitektur & Hans Eek, Lendager, Mad arkitekter, Erik Mårtensson, Narva Katmann Architects, Pihl Katmann Architects, Kati Salonen & Mona Schalin Architects, Studio Granda and Tengbom.
You can find more information about the exhibition here.