Finnish Architectural Review dives into the heart of the city

Finnish Architectural Review
The first issue of the year, which examines today's ideals and practices in urban design, will be published on Friday 16 February.
Lately, we have often read news about the decline of city centers. The latest issue of the Finnish Architectural Review asks: What is the role of city centers in today's cities, and how should they be developed?
Under the theme 'The Heart of the City,' current ideals and practices of urban design are critically examined from various perspectives.
In his article, Anssi Joutsiniemi reflects on the dynamics between Helsinki's city center and its suburbs while Aleksi Lohtaja in his book review assesses whether suburbs have been developed too one-dimensionally based on prevailing new urbanist ideals, overlooking their own unique characteristics.
Tommy Lindgren, on the other hand, questions whether the emphasis on human scale and pleasant walking environments has become a barrier to responding to other current challenges. These challenges include the new significance of green infrastructure in combating climate change and biodiversity loss, as discussed by Ranja Hautamäki and Mari Ariluoma in their article. Harri Hautajärvi, meanwhile, examines the contradictions between densification and building preservation through four examples from Helsinki.
The magazine's issue 1/2024 will be available on Friday, January 16th, both in print and online. Read more at