Finnish Architectural Review 6/2015: global village
The latest issue of theFinnish Architectural Review travels through less-known areas of architecture, from Vietnam to Taiwan and via India to Tanzania. Also more familiar countries, Japan, Switzerland and Austria, are visited.All the buildings featured in the issue are designed by Finnish architects but are located in different countries. The architect trio Hollmén Reuter Sandman designed a women’s shelter house at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The project was self-initiated and the architects raised the funding as well through their NGO Ukumbi. In Taiwan, Marco Casagrande created a wooden architectural organism growing from the ruins of an abandoned farmhouse in the jungle. Sami Rintala and his team were invited to design a bus stop shelter in the Austrian Alps, and Heikkinen–Komonen Architects designed an entire housing area in Switzerland.In the opening article David Basulto, founder and Editor-in-Chief of online publication ArchDaily, assesses the new “more with less architecture” of the emerging world, which has now become recognized through the Internet. Indian architect Rahul Mehrotra believes that through his work he can impact people’s actions and bring different groups together.