Fill This Space – Summer School for architecture and the built environment
DL: 30.04.2023

This summer the Museum of Finnish Architecture together with You Tell Me Collective, the Vantaa Art Museum Artsi and EMMA Espoo Museum of Modern Art invite all 16–20 year olds interested in architecture and the built environment to a five-day summer school.
Fill This Space is a five-day long Summer School for anyone 16–20 years old interested in architecture and the built environment. It gives an opportunity to discuss issues related to architecture and the built environment together with museum and architecture professionals and architecture students. The school programme is planned according to the wishes and interests of the participants.
In 2023 the Museum of Finnish Architecture organises Summer Schools in collaboration with You Tell Me Collective, the Vantaa Art Museum Artsi and EMMA Espoo Museum of Modern Art. Archinfo is an educational partner of the project.
Summer Schools are held in Finnish and in English and the participation is free. The open call is until 30 April 2023. A link to the electronic application form will be published on the website of the Museum of Finnish Architecture.
Read more about the summer school through this link.