European Commission has launched the first New European Bauhaus prizes

New European Bauhaus prizes recognize and celebrate existing achievements and support the younger generation to further develop emerging concepts and ideas.
The prizes give visibility to examples and concepts that illustrate how beautiful, sustainable, inclusive places already exist in our territories, our communities and in our practices. They clearly illustrate the New European Bauhaus values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion and should serve to inspire the initiatives further development.
There are prizes in ten different categories which all have two different strands. “New European Bauhaus Awards” is for existing completed examples or projects and “New European Bauhaus Rising Stars” is for concepts or ideas submitted by young talents aged 30 or less.
The categories for the prizes include for example solutions for the co-evolution of built environment and nature, interdisciplinary education models and building in a spirit of circularity. See all the ten categories via this link.
Applicants can be EU or non-EU residents, as long as their project or idea is or will be developed and implemented in the EU. The deadline for submissions is on 31 May 2021.
Read more information via this link.
The New European Bauhaus is a creative initiative, breaking down boundaries between science and technology, art, culture and social inclusion, to allow design to find solutions for everyday problems. It is an environmental, economic and cultural project, aiming to combine design, sustainability, accessibility, affordability and investment.