Call for Applications: Boarding 2014 in Bordeaux, France
The esteemed architecture centre Arc en Rêve Centre d’Architecture established in 1981 in Bordeaux, France, together with École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux invite European architects, designers, landscape architects and urban designers, who have graduated after 2012, to submit projects to the Boarding exhibition organised in summer 2014.The theme for 2014 is interaction. The target of the Boarding exhibition is to explore contemporary definitions of public space and its usage:
Today, at a time when the spatialities of the contemporary world are being expressed and deployed within public space in all its various dimensions– scale, temporality, physical, intangible, visible, invisible – how do young European architects, designers, landscape architects and urban designers conceive these spaces and offer innovative points of view?
Call for Applications is targeted for professionals who have received their diploma (Masters degree or equivalent) in 2012, 2013 or 2014 in architecture, design, landscape architecture or urban design in Europe. Application deadline is 18 May 2014.Further information, online application form and instructions: