Call for Abstracts and Registration: Housing and Welfare conference in Copenhagen
The Center of Housing Research in Denmark and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture in Copenhagen call for abstracts for the conference on Housing and Welfare – Boundaries|Encounters|Connections. The extended deadline for abstracts is on 23 March and for registration 30 March, 2015.
The conference will take place between 7–9 May, 2015, in Copenhagen, and it focuses on boundaries, encounters and connections between urban and suburban neighbourhoods,
new and old, different social groups, public and private, and different disciplinary approaches to housing, suburbs and cities. Keynote speakers include e.g. Adam Kahn, Founder of Adam Khan Architects, London; and Nigel Thrift, Professor and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick.The conference calls for papers for a range of workshops. Themes of the papers may include but are not limited to:
Changing communities – friction, segregation, mixed housing and new networks;
Cities and housing for different life phases and different life forms;
The urban suburb and suburban city: Omnipresent urban life, blue and green spaces;
Polarized housing markets: Affordable housing, gentrification, marginalized areas and citizens;
Home, place and identity: Stories, branding, authenticity and appropriation;
Transformation and regeneration: involvement, temporary activities and open processes;
Energy, climate adaption and sustainability – in cities, buildings and everyday life;
Density, densification and consumption of space.
For more information, please visit the conference webpage at[caption id="attachment_1958" align="aligncenter" width="618"] Ballerup, Denmark. Photo: Claus Bech-Danielsen.[/caption]