A unique industrial and housing area designed by Alvar Aalto now open to the public
Due to a growing interest towards the Alvar Aalto buildings in Anjalankoski factory area near Kouvola, the pulp and paper manufacturer Stora Enso launches a programme of free guided tours to all interested in Aalto architecture. By opening up the versatile and highly esteemed but generally less known Aalto entity to the public the company celebrates the 100 year jubilee of independent Finland.[caption id="attachment_4035" align="alignnone" width="300"] Interior of Mäntylä.[/caption]The visits concentrate on the Stora Enso factory area:
• chief engineer's house Mäntylä, furnished with Aalto furniture
• forman's house Rantalinja, with photo exhibitions
• walking tour to the area designed by AaltoA map of all Aalto buildings in the area:The 1,5-hour guided tours are free of charge and will be organised in May and June on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 3 pm and 6 pm and on Saturdays at 11 am and 2 pm. Groups may book visits at other times as well.
Additional information
Hanna Myllyntausta
tel. + 358 40 716 6680Another point of interest in the factory area is the Ankkapurha industrial museum.