24 hr seminar "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" in Tallinn, guest lecturer Esa Laaksonen, director of Alvar Aalto Academy
The Chamber of Architecture of Estonia invites to join in a 24hr conference The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Tallinn from Friday the 17th to Saturday the 18th April, 2015 at the Russian Theatre, Vabaduse väljak (Freedom Square) 5, Tallinn. The conference will discuss the judgments of the good, the bad and the ugly in architecture, by whom, why and how they are made, and what are their social implications.Guest lecturers include London based writer and journalist Owen Hatherley and Esa Laaksonen, the director of Alvar Aalto Academy in Helsinki. Presentations and discussions will be joined by Grete Arro, Mari Tarand, Aleksei Lotman, Kaja Pae, Indrek Rünkla, Daimar Liiv, Peeter Prisk, Karri Tiigisoon, Tõnis Kahu, Mart Juur, Ralf Lõoke, Maarin Mürk, Triin Ojari, Merle Karro-Kalberg and many others.Besides lectures and discussions, the programme also consists of a night-tour around the Russian Theatre, guided by the actress Tatjana Manevskaja, a psychedelic city tour around central Tallinn organized by Linnalabor, and the screening of the spaghetti western "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Sergio Leone. A Saturday morning discussion, an open microphone and a common breakfast will conclude the conference.For more information: www.goodbadugly.ee.