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21st century churches exhibited in Munich, Germany
"Finnish architecture is in vogue" writes the leading German architecture magazine Detail in their review of an exhibition of 21st century church architecture from Finland. The exhibition is on display at the DG gallery (Deutsche Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst) in Munich, Germany between 13 September and 5 December 2014.The selection entitled Materiality and the Magic of Light – Churches and Chapels in Finland since 2000 has been curated by Wolfgang Jean Stock, a German architect and author also known as the founding member of the German Alvar Aalto association in Germany (Alvar Aalto Gesellschaft). The exhibition examines the modern trait of Finnish sacral architecture stemming from Alvar Aalto's Imatra Church (aka Vuoksenniska church, 1958) and Heikki and Kaija Sirén's Otaniemi Chapel (1957). The 10 contemporary examples displayed are all built after year 2000 and are designed by the following offices:Avanto Architects
Kari Järvinen and Merja Nieminen Architects
JKMM Architects
Olli Pekka Jokela Architects
K2S Architects
Oopeaa Architects (formerly Lassila Hirvilammi Architects)
M3 Architects
Sanaksenaho ArchitectsIn conjunction with the exhibition, Deutschen Kunstverlag has published a 140-page catalogue in German and English.Link to the DG gallery:
Link to the article in Detail:[caption id="attachment_1219" align="aligncenter" width="1680"]
Sanaksenaho Architects: St. Henry's Ecumenical Art Chapel in Turku, Finland (2005). Photo by Jussi Tiainen, by courtesy of Matti Sanaksenaho.[/caption]