10th season of Architecture Speaks lecture series talks about activism through architecture

Activism in architecture is a means to act within the profession. Architecture Speaks invites six architects and practices to reflect the role of activism in their work.
In the era of artificial intelligence, it is particularly important to consider the architect’s role and societal responsibility. Activism in architecture, whether through social housing, inclusivity issues, biodiversity, new building materials, circular economy, or architectural representation, is a means to act within the profession.
In the tenth season of the Architecture Speaks lecture series, organised jointly by Aalto University and the Museum of Finnish Architecture, Associate Professor and Head of Architecture Department Jenni Reuter invites six architects or architectural groups to share insights into their design processes and their roles in the world of architecture.
Three lectures will be held in the autumn. The series will start on 13 November with Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, an Icelandic architect who won the Nordic Council's Environment Prize this year and heads Lendager's Iceland office. On 20 November, we will hear a talk from Nyasha Harper-Michon, architect and activist, founder of Archtivism, and on 27 November, architect Nicolas Coeckelberghs will talk about the activism of Belgian firm BC Architects, which relies on localism in terms of both partners and materials.
The series will continue on 15 January, with a lecture by landscape architect Malin Blomqvist on the work of her MASU Planning office based in Finland and Denmark. On 22 January, Fala Atelier from Portugal will give a lecture on unconventional architectural representation. The final lecture in the series will be given by the Norwegian architect Siv Helene Stangeland of Helen & Hard, whose work focuses on localism and community.
The online lectures are held on Wednesdays from 1:15 to 2:30 pm (Finnish time).
13.11. Arnhildur Pálmadóttir / Lendager
20.11. Nyasha Harper-Michon / Archtivism
27.11. Nicolas Coeckelberghs / BC Architects
15.1. Malin Blomqvist / MASU planning
22.1. Fala Atelier
29.1. Siv Helene Stangeland / Helen & Hard