Aleksi Lohtaja
Expert, Social Advocacy
+358 41 529 1002
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Linda Peltola
Aleksi is responsible for Archinfo’s social advocacy and works as an expert on themes related to architectural policy. You can contact Aleksi with all questions related to architecture’s social efficiency and impact, for example, The Finnish architectural policy programme Apoli, New European Bauhaus, Architecture education and Architects declare.
Prior to joining Archinfo, Aleksi worked as a cultural policy researcher. His long-standing research interest includes the role of architecture and urban planning in the production of society’s ecological, cultural and political processes. His doctoral dissertation for social sciences was titled Architecture as spatial configuration of politics (2022). At Archinfo, Aleksi will continue addressing similar themes, especially in the context of the new Finnish architectural policy programme (Apoli 2022–2035). Aleksi is passionate about plural, multifaceted and ambitious architectural discourse, discussion and communication. In his free time, Aleksi likes to run on the jogging paths of Eastern Helsinki.