Elizabeth Lee Hazen (1888–1975) ja Rachel Brown (1898–1980). Kuvalähde: flickr.com / Acc. 90-105 - Science Service, Records, 1920s-1970s, Smithsonian Institution Archives
Vierailuluentoja ja seminaareja
Yhdysvaltalainen kaupunkisuunnittelija Alexander Garvin luennoi proaktiivisesta kaupunkisuunnittelusta otsikolla "The Planning Game"
Perjantaina 6.6.2014 klo 17:00-18:30
Aalto-yliopisto, Arkkitehtuurin laitos, Miestentie 3, Otaniemi, Espoo, sali 103.
Associate Professor of Urbanism Aseem Inam (School of Design Strategies; Parsons - the New School for Design, NYC): "Can Theories Transform Cities?"
Torstaina 12.6.2014 klo 14:00 - 16:00
Helsingin yliopisto, Metsätalo, Sali 2 (B212), Uninoninkatu 40
Aseem Inamin lyhyt haastattelu
Call for Papers
The 5th Art of Research Conference: Experience, Materiality, Articulation (AOR2014) will take place on 26-27 November 2014 at Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland. The Conference aims at sharing an understanding of the ontological, epistemological and methodological issues of practice-led research, and offers an academic framework for discussing notions of experience, materiality and articulation.
Full Call for Papers including the list of Conference themes at designresearch.aalto.fi/events/aor2014/call_for_papers.html; abstraktit viimeistään 8.6.2014.
Vuosittain jossakin pohjoismaassa järjestettävä asumisen ja kaupunkitutkimuksen NSBB-konferenssi (Nordic Urban and Housing Research Conference) pidetään tänä vuonna Tallinnassa 8–10.10.2014. Järjestelyistä vastaavat Katrin Paadam ja Kristel Siilak Tallinnan Tehnika Ulikoolista. Abstraktit tulee toimittaa 12.6.2014 mennessä.
Ohjelma, key-note puhujat yms. löytyvät osoitteesta www.ttu.ee/nsbb14.
Something Other: The relationship between psychoanalytic theory, art, visual culture, and pedagogyWithin the last several decades, theorists, philosophers, pedagogues, academics, artists, and practitioners from diverse fields have embraced and appropriated Lacanian theories. Indeed, an indelible mark (or stain) has been made through theorizing art, visual culture, and pedagogy from a psychoanalytic perspective. How might we continue to interrogate images, objects, events, and the unknown in the current and future cultural field? What might Lacanian theory do for the force of art, education, and the broader visual culture in our contemporary era?
SYNNYT/ORIGINS, a Finnish on-line peer-reviewed journal, seeks papers for a special issue on psychoanalytic theory, art, visual culture, and pedagogy. Authors are invited to submit a manuscript addressing the relationship between Lacanian psychoanalytic theory and one (or more) of the following areas:
* Art (including the “art world,” contemporary art practices, institutions, images, events, actions, interventions, etc.)
* Pedagogy (including art education, classroom life, curriculum theory, higher education, critical pedagogy, etc.)
* Visual culture (including images, artifacts, objects, and experiences from the contemporary world—film, digital media, games, visual communities/communication, etc.).
Submission deadline is August 15, 2014.
The main text of each manuscript, exclusive of figures, tables, references, or appendices, should be 3000 - 5000 words, in English, and should follow the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (6th Edition). The manuscript must include the name of the author(s), institutional affiliation, and complete mailing and email address. Please send completed drafts as email attachments to Kevin Tavin, Professor of International Art Education, Department of Art, Aalto University, Helsinki Finland. See also: wiki.aalto.fi/display/Synnyt/Home
TEKESin uusi tutkimushaku 22.5–16.9.2014 julkisen tutkimuksen organisaatioille, yliopistoille, korkeakouluille, tutkimuslaitoksille ja ammattikorkeakouluille sekä yrityksille aiheesta Arvonluonti digitalisoitumisessa. Hanketapahtuma TEKESin tiloissa Pasilassa, Helsingissä perjantaina 13.6.2014 klo 8.30 alkaen; ilmoittautumiset ja lisätietoa: www.tekes.fi/nyt/hakuajat-2014/tutkimushaku-uusi-arvonluonti.